Referral Requirements
To ensure a smooth referral process, please review the eligibility criteria, required documents, and timeline below.
Who Can Be Referred? (Eligibility Criteria)
Our provision is suitable for:
✔ Students who are struggling to attend school due to significant anxiety or negative emotions. (Emotional Based School Avoidance)
✔ Students at risk of exclusion or struggling in mainstream education.
✔ Those with SEN needs, including students with an EHCP or requiring additional pastoral support.
✔ Learners needing an alternative route to develop skills for further education or employment.
✔ Students aged 13 years+ requiring vocational training and personalised learning pathways.
What Schools Need to Provide?
To ensure we can meet the student’s needs, commissioning schools must provide the following:
📝 Completed Referral Form (signed by school & parent/carer)
📊 Attendance & Behaviour Reports (last two terms)
📄 EHCP (if applicable)
📌 Pastoral/Safeguarding Information (including any support plans or risk assessments)
📩 Please send all completed referrals to
Referral Time & Next Steps
⏳ We aim to review all referrals within 3 working days and follow these steps:
1️⃣ School Enquiry & Tour → School contacts us, and we arrange a tour for the student & parent/carer.
2️⃣ Referral Submission → School submits the completed form and required documents.
3️⃣ Assessment & Decision → We review the referral and confirm within 3 working days if we can meet the student’s needs.
4️⃣ Parent & Student Notification → The school informs the parent, and we arrange a taster & induction session(10:00 AM – 12:00 PM).
5️⃣ Student Start Date → After the induction, the student officially starts their journey with us.